Papercraft Research: Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann


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Papercraft Research: Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann

        Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann are two artists who make distinct, colourful creations through means of a papercraft medium. Through their creations, they begin with basic shapes and overall simplification of them through faceted concepts. This is the foundation of their creations, using simple planes to create 3D objects with fascinating colour.
        In addition, Thomas and Zimmermann add depth of colours through means of 2D additions, as evident through the images included. This gives the overall object a more playful, bright aesthetic; in which what gives these objects their unique character.
        Personally, their creations are definitely something to look up towards. Their unique choice of colours, and even overall craft establishes a great level of artistic ability that many would inspire to acquire. In my project, I plan to experiment with smaller additions and details through expressive colour, and see where that will take my papercraft object to.
